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              Mr. Tang Guoliang

              The Group’s headquarters          

              Mr. Tang Guoliang was born in 1968 and he holds a Master’s Degree. Mr. Tang was elected as the Employee-elected Director of China Chengtong Holding Group Ltd. in December 2005. Mr. Tang was Director of the Office of Legal Affairs and Deputy General Manager of the Department of Supervision and Audit of China Nanguang Import and Export Corporation; Chairman of Tangshan Dasimasi Shoe Industry Co., Ltd.; General Manager of Guangdong Nanguang Import and Export Company; Deputy Director of the Office of the President and Legal Affairs Manager of China Chengtong Holdings Group Ltd.. Mr. Tang is the General Counsel and General Manager of the Department of Risk Management and Legal Affairs of China Chengtong Holdings Group Ltd.

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                      1. 一二三四高清观看视频韩剧大全,一二三四视频免费观看在线看,7777精品久久久大香线蕉,健身私教弄了好几次

